The South Carolina Opioid Recovery Fund Board (“SCORF Board”) was created by the South Carolina Opioid Recovery Act, SC Code §11-58-10 et seq., to administer and disburse the South Carolina Opioid Recovery Fund in accordance with the terms of In re South Carolina Opioid Litigation settlement agreements. Money from the South Carolina Opioid Recovery Fund will be distributed by the SCORF Board to help address and remediate the impact of the opioid epidemic in South Carolina.
The Governor's Summit on Addiction is back in 2025. This year, the event will be on November 13-14 at the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center. The conference will have top-notch speakers, innovative sessions, and opportunities to connect with one another.
A call for proposals will be released soon, as well as information for organizations interested in sponsorship and vendor opportunities.
Registration will open in late spring/early summer, so mark your calendars today!
Naloxone for Community Distributors from the Department of Public Health
The DPH is currently offering naloxone at no cost to community distributors, who have obtained a community distribution designation through the SC Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services (DAODAS). Prior to applying for SCORF funds for naloxone please take advantage of this opportunity. Click here for the request form for naloxone from DPH while supplies last.
Website for DPH Naloxone Initiatives: South Carolina Department of Public Health Naloxone Distribution
Request form to receive naloxone for community distributors: DPH Naloxone Request for Community Distributors