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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

Apply for Opioid Recovery Funds

The South Carolina Opioid Recovery Fund Board (SCORF) will be accepting applications through the website on the following dates:

Dates for GPS Applications
TYPE  Application portal open  Application portal close  Project period start date  Project period end date  

Discretionary SubFund Applications 10/1/2025-9/30/2026

 Portal Open  Portal Close  
New Applications11/1/20242/14/2025
Continuation Applications4/1/20255/16/2025

The South Carolina Opioid Recovery Fund is divided into the Guaranteed Political Subdivision SubFund and the Discretionary Subfund. South Carolina counties and municipalities who participated in opioid-related settlements (“Participating Political Subdivisions”) must submit requests seeking funding for approved abatement strategies from their available allocation of the Guaranteed Political Subdivision Subfund.

Participating Political Subdivisions may also submit a ‘Letter of Intent’ rather than an application, to access up to $25,000.00 of their funds to develop a comprehensive opioid remediation plan to address the opioid crisis in their communities. For more information download the Memorandum.

All other qualified applicants, including nonprofits, hospitals, state agencies, educational providers, and any other person or entity working to help address the opioid epidemic may apply for funds from the Discretionary Subfund.

All funding requests must be for an approved abatement strategy listed in the settlement agreement and described on the Opioid Recovery Fund Uses pages.

Learn more about the Technical Proposal Requirements before beginning the application process

How to Apply 

Application Process

Submit an Application outlining an evidence-based strategy that aligns with an Approved Abatement Strategy from the List of Approved Opioid Remediation Uses.

Complete the Application Information sections as requested in the online Form to share important contact information, other details about your entity and the desired funding amount.

Complete the Technical Proposal, including all the required content. Upload this content as part of the online Form. Applicants for the Discretionary Subfund must also complete the Qualifications and Experience, Budget, and Budget Narrative. 

Applications that do not meet NEW Technical Requirements will not be presented to the SCORF Board for consideration.

Fund Use Agreement/Fund Processing

If approved for funding from the Discretionary Subfund, Applicants must agree to the terms of any assistance agreement required by the SCORF Board, which agreements may impose restrictions on the appropriate use of funds and penalties for the misuse of such funds. In addition, such agreements may impose payment, purchasing, accounting, auditing, record keeping, performance and financial reporting, and compliance requirements.

Eligibility for Funding

Funds provided by the South Carolina Opioid Recovery Fund must be used to implement an Approved Abatement Strategy within the state of South Carolina and for the benefit of persons living within the state of South Carolina.

Requests for funds from the SC Opioid Recovery Fund cannot be for purposes of supplanting —replacing/take the place of — existing local, state or federal funds for a project and its activities.

Businesses and organizations applying for funding from the Discretionary Subfund must be registered to conduct business in the State of South Carolina or registered as a non-profit organization in the State of South Carolina and in good standing.

Learn more about and find full descriptions of each approved Opioid Recovery Fund abatement strategy.

Guaranteed Political Subdivision Subfund

Applicants for funds from the Guaranteed Political Subdivision Subfund, must be political subdivision allocated a percentage of the Subfund as set forth in Exhibit B of the South Carolina Opioid Settlement Allocation Agreement.

Discretionary Subfund

The following are eligible to apply for funds from the Discretionary Subfund:

  • State agencies;
  • Local governments;
  • Medical and mental health treatment providers;
  • Educational providers;
  • Nonprofits; or
  • Others helping to address the opioid epidemic.  

Applicants must not be:

  • presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, or declared ineligible for the award of contracts by any state or federal agency;
  • have not, within a three (3)-year period preceding this offer, been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for: commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (federal, state, or local) contract or subcontract; violation of federal or state antitrust statutes relating to the submission of offers; or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, tax evasion, or receiving stolen property;
  • are not presently indicted for, or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity with, commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph (ii) of this provision; or
  • has not, within a three (3)-year period preceding this Application, had one (1) or more contracts terminated for default by any public (federal, state,
  • or local) entity.
Naloxone for Community Distributors from the Department of Public Health

Naloxone Nasal Spray

The DPH is currently offering naloxone at no cost to community distributors, who have obtained a community distribution designation through the SC Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services (DAODAS). Prior to applying for SCORF funds for naloxone please take advantage of this opportunity. Click here for the request form for naloxone from DPH while supplies last.

DPH logo

Website for DPH Naloxone Initiatives: South Carolina Department of Public Health Naloxone Distribution

Request form to receive naloxone for community distributors: DPH Naloxone Request for Community Distributors